About Me

my story

There has never been a better time to heal.

I was a different child. I didn’t know it at the time that I had the gift of intuition and was always aware of an energetic connections in the world and this active gift would guide me through life.

Born into a family of doctors and engineers, I experienced a unique blend of conventional medicine and logic. This teaching carried over into my work as a radiation therapist. I work with people coming from different walks of life and in different pathways of their health journey. I love and cherish what I do as a medical professional.

There were ongoing challenges following the birth of my children. Riddled with chronic physical and emotional pain, I found myself unable to juggle my busy life as a radiation therapist, wife, and mother.

Overwhelmed by life and chronic illness, my self-care and self-esteem began to plummet. Stuck in cycles of negativity and self-sabotage, I started blaming myself and others.

Even though I worked in conventional medicine for 13 years, I was always interested in alternative healing. At my lowest point, when I could no longer cope with the negative talk and self-loathing, I began questioning.

Pulling from the energetic connections of my childhood, I began learning about body energy and alternative approaches to healing. I discovered that when I released anger and fear, corrected stuck patterns,I felt enormous relief. I began to transform my body from the inside out, and the quality of my life significantly changed. I repaired broken relationships and learned to love myself. I felt re balanced and open to new opportunities in life.

Once healed, I made it my absolute mission to help others. To provide a safe space to guide people on a path of self-discovery and to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. To show them how to use the knowledge and tools to uncover the barriers and limiting beliefs that hold themselves back, find balance in their lives. To rediscover their self-worth, and ultimately, a life full of new possibilities.

Balance is The Key. Love is The Force. Freedom is The Outcome.


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